I was intrigue with the read up of this book and it started out promising.
Alice has a child was just how I thought she was, strong headed, confident and living in her own little world. Just wanting to be a little girl in a time when even little girls had to be reserved.
I enjoyed the way Alice just lived for her childhood, the only thing I had an issue with was the implied way that Lewis Caroll was only interasted in little girls in a way that he shouldn't, it came across a little strong and creepy which made me wonder if the author just didn't like him.
I found the book to be well written but it got boring near the end and seemed to lose its luster after Alice grew up and became old, again it seemed like the author just needed a filler for the end.
It has not changed my opinon of Alice in Wonderland has there really wasn't much about the book accept how Alice seemed to resent it on so many levels.
It was a pleasent read but it seemed more interasted in dissing Alice in Wonderland has though the author hates that book.