I just loved reading this book, it was a thrill ride from the start and had a little of everything, action, twists and a little romance thrown in.
The story centers around Evy Stone who wakes up in a morgue in some one else's body and discovers she has 72 hours to find out who killed her, framed her for murder and why.
From the get go this book just sucked me in to Evy's world of what she calls the Dreg who are mainly fairy-tale creatures only not has nice.
She finds her self caught by Goblins tortured and left to die.
The fact that she has only 72 hours to live her short second life made this book interesting because the author didn't waste time getting down to the heart of things while also keeping me guessing as to what was really going on. Following Evy round has she tried to regain her lost memories and piece together her final days was described in complete detail that at times it was like been there with her and I just love when a book drags me like that.
The world created for the story was so believable that it could be real!
The character of Evy was so well written and even though she was in some one else's body her description made you also visualise her the way she was and that even though she was in this new body she was still her and I liked how that worked.
Wyatt by the end he was starting to become whinny and I wanted to punch him, he was been all woe is me and feeling sorry for himself when in the end he still had life while Evy only had a short time and was trying to not get killed.
All in all I just loved this book and I'm glad I took the chance and got it.