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The Watchmaker of Filigree Street

The Watchmaker of Filigree Street - Natasha Pulley I won this book through GoodReads.

This story centers round Thaniel Steepleton, who works has a telegraphist at the home office. After returning home one might he finds a pocket watch in his room.A watch that he can't open. Whileworkng at the home office he hears of bomb threats against scotland yard made by the fenians.
While in a pub across from scotland yard the watch starts to make a noise causing Thaniel to leave just has a bomb explodes. The watch saved his life.
Thaniel hunts down the maker of the watch, a Japanese follow by the name of Keita Mori who has a clockwork Octopus that likes to steal Thaniels socks.
Thus begins the mystery of who Mori is and what his connection to the bombings are.

This book is one big mystery that keeps you guessing from the very beginning right up to the end.
Thaniel is sent to find out everything he can about proving Mori to be the bomber, instsead he finds himself growing fond of Mori, who has a knack for knowing things before they happen, and knowing what certain people's actions will be.

Thaniel is a well written character who spends most of his time trying to work Mori out, as well as Grace Carrow who also is trying to work out if the Ether exists and if Mori is some how reading it..
Even though there are only four main characters, the mystery of the novel is what kept me engrossed. The characters were well written but they didn't need a lot of work in introducing them, its hard to explain but it was like the characters were the bit players to the mystery of the novel. In most novels getting to know the characters is always a major thing but for some reason the mystery surrounding Mori is the over riding issue. Is he a time traveler, or just a amazing clairvoyant.
I just loved the mystery of the book.